I'm finally back after a very long break. Where have I been? Well, to be honest, there has been a lot going on since my last post in August, and I haven't felt much like blogging these days.
My #1 excuse? I've been too nauseous and tired to blog. If you haven't heard the latest, I'm 20 weeks pregnant. Looking at electronics just makes my nausea worse. But, now I think I've turned the corner and am finally getting some energy back, and feeling more like myself.
So lets catch up. Here is a cliff note version of what's been happening around here.
*Side note* I would have had a lot of great pictures to include but I'm having some technical issues with blogger today. So disappointing!
In late August Ethan started back at preschool. We are in the 3-4 year old class this year, going MWF. He is in the caterpillar class and loves it!!! We are having a fabulous year. I also joined the social committee, and have enjoyed helping out at preschool.
Ethan also started soccer this fall. His first soccer session or "practice" was in September. He loves it. Or should I say he loves soccer. The class has disappointed me a bit. They play more silly games that have nothing to do with soccer than actually learning the game. I think Ethan has become a bit bored. He still likes it, but gets bored about half way through. He needs something a little more advanced.
My sister got married in October. Our whole family was in the wedding and it was a great day. Ethan was the ring barer, I was the Matron of Honor, and Evan was an usher. Ethan walked down the isle like a champ, and had a blast dancing the night away. It was beautiful from start to finish!!!
We planned a gender reveal party for family and very close friends last week. I found out I was pregnant in June but we really haven't been telling many people up until this point- I am sure you can guess why. It's been a long, scary journey for us. I was (and still am at times) petrified that something is going to happen to our baby. But with a lot of prayers, support, and many, many, many doctor visits, our little BOY is happy and healthy to this point. Our ultrasound last week was with a specialist. She did an amazing job checking out our little one. She did everything including counting every finger and toe (not even kidding). We feel so blessed, and so relieved. I know we aren't at the finish line yet, but its been a good start.
Anyway, Evan and I found out what we were having with the rest of the family when we cut the cake to reveal blue icing. Ethan really wanted a girl. So, for him I was hoping it would be a girl. Most of his friends are girls, so I assume that's why. His face seemed a little sad when we cut the cake, but he got over it pretty quickly! :)
It melts my heart to hear Ethan talk about the baby. He talks about him a lot. He asks me at least 5 times a day if the baby is sleeping or awake. He will randomly say "mommy when the baby comes, I'm going to show him..." It makes me so happy!
Today, so far has been a busy day. One party down, and one to go, and of course trick or treating tonight. Ethan is having a blast this year with the whole "Halloween" thing.
Thanks for enduring my long list of catch up. I've missed all of you guys!
Hope everyone has a wonderful night!!! Happy Halloween!!!