Monday, December 21, 2015

A Train Ride

Two Sunday's ago, we embarked on a family Christmas adventure to the New Hope Valley Railway. It has recently become a tradition that every Christmas season our family (including my parents and sister) do something fun together. This year, for Ethan's sake, we decided to do the Santa Train at the New Hope Valley Railway. Aside from the actual train ride, they had a large fenced in area with several remote control trains going through fake cities and towns- which Ethan loved. They also had old train cars that you could go in and out of- which again, of course, Ethan loved.

We bought tickets to ride the steam engine instead of the diesel engine. The steam engine just seemed more like a real old fashioned kind of train the sound of the steam engine is a lot more fun. And yes, it was the real coal burning kind of steam engine. You don't see those much anymore.

The ride lasted about an hour through the country side. While you rode the train, Santa came to visit you. I thought Ethan would be a little unsure of Santa- since let's just be honest, this Santa didn't look like a real classic. But, much to my surprise, he let Santa sit next to him and talk to him for a few minutes. The train was decorated for Christmas, and they played Christmas music. That's about it. You either have to really love trains, or be a child to really enjoy this. For me, it was seeing the excitement in my son's eyes...that was enough. Thanks to my sister for taking all of these pictures!

An update on Snowflakes the elf...

He has conducted circle time at "Elf School"...

And then needed some major rest time since toddlers are exhausting.

I still can't believe this week is the week of Christmas. Crazy. This week also starts my 3rd trimester which also seems crazy. I am getting excited, but also starting to get nervous thinking about all of the upcoming change. 

I hope that everyone has a blessed Christmas!!! 

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Elf

Before I get to "The Elf", let me debrief you on what has gone on in the last 8 days.


Last weekend (not the one that just passed but the one previous) we had Ethan's first baseball practice, a baby shower to attend for Evan's brother, the Apex Christmas parade, and our annual Christmas cookie decorating party. Ethan enjoyed decorating cookies- well mostly eating the icing and candy part. He also enjoyed the Christmas parade minus the loud sounds the firetrucks, police cars, and ambulances made. That really took me by surprise..and was something new for us. He has never been scared of noises before. But other than that, he loved "the music, and the girls that waved their flags".  My sister bought him this adorable Santa hat to wear to the parade.

After a crazy weekend, things got even crazier when Ethan came down suddenly with pneumonia. It was awful. He has never had a high fever that held on for so long- 36 straight hours. After a few trips to the doctor, several calls and trips to the pharmacy, and many sleepless hours, he is doing great now, and I am SO grateful.

Today was off to preschool for a "normal" day, and what hopes to be more of a normal week for us.


On to "The Elf". I'm sure you guessed what its all about. Ethan named his "elf on the shelf" "snowflakes". I tried introducing the elf last year, but he really wasn't that interested. But this year he LOVES it. Every single morning as soon as his feet hit the ground, he says "I wonder where snowflakes is hiding today!?" He gets so excited over it. Now, I have to admit, in the beginning I was all about it. I loved coming up with new ideas of where to hide the elf. Now I seem to be running out of steam...or is it running out of ideas? Here are some pictures of the fun snowflakes has been having around here.

To be honest, I have no idea what to do with that elf tonight. I'll probably be googling an idea. :)

News flash- its the week before Christmas. What the heck?!?! I can't seem to wrap my mind around it. Speaking of "wrap" who wants to come help me wrap gifts? :)

I hope everyone has a great week, and gets everything checked off their holiday to do list!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Catch Up Part 2

Okay, I'm back for a second time...but this time it's for good.

Thanks to my tech savvy brother in law for navigating my technical problems. Turns out, I needed to download a different server in order to be compatible with the program I was running. I would have never figured this out on my own.

If you recall from my last post, I was super bummed that I couldn't include pictures with my latest blog. So- let's finish this the right way.

Let's start with Ethan's first day of 3 year old preschool...

Gender reveal party! It's a boy...

One of the most beautiful cakes I have ever seen!

My sisters wedding...

So stinkin' cute!!!

Marshall from Paw Patrol for Halloween

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm a sucker for monogrammed shirts. I love this cute turkey shirt!

I think that pretty much catches us up to the present time. 

The last month has been hectic. Unfortunately, we have been to two funerals in the last 3 weeks. Evan's grandmother on his fathers side, and then his grandfather on his mothers side both passed away. Holidays are always a magical time of year, but also very tough for some.

Pregnancy update- I am already 25 weeks pregnant. I know that once the holidays are over, this baby will be here before we know it. He is busy, and quite active. I am happy to report that my weight gain has been less than with Ethan, and I have been diligent about going to the gym 3 times per week. I feel better overall physically than I did when I was pregnant with Ethan, mostly (I'm guessing) because I am so active chasing a toddler, and trying to keep up with my exercise. I have also been eating much less than when I was pregnant with Ethan, but I blame that on the reflux and feeling full very quickly. Hey, that's not such a bad thing. My energy is still low, and I nap most days when Ethan naps...but I don't feel guilty about it. My cravings are also low. The only thing I crave from time to time is fresh fruit, really cold Coke, and ice cream. But never at the same time of course! I guess I should start decorating the nursery some time soon. :) 

Now that Christmas is upon us, I will have plenty to blog about. December is always a super busy month- but usually full of fun, special moments. Our holiday season kicks off this weekend with the Apex Christmas parade, and or annual Christmas cookie decorating party. Stay tuned!