So, sorry about that.
This past Thursday was Evan's birthday. The big 32. He had a week long of celebrations...lucky guy. Wednesday night, I cooked Evan's special dinner request and my family came over. We had steak on the grill, salad, mashed potatoes, and rolls. His birthday dessert you ask?...a cookie cake of course. Cookie cakes are his favorite. I learned a little lesson about cookie cakes this year. Stop going to the cookie store for cookie cakes. This year I ordered a cookie cake from Harris Teeter and let me tell was WAY better than from the cookie store, and cost WAY less. Lesson learned!
Michael and Ethan getting some snuggles in
Ethan loves to help open gifts!
His birthday week continued with two more days of fun. Friday night his entire family gathered at his mom's for another special request...hamburgers on the grill. Do you see a trend here? Of course another cookie cake was in order. Then Sunday, Evan's dad and stepmom took us to PF Chang's (yum) for dinner. I will never complain about a free dinner just because it is someone else's birthday! Sadly, the celebrations must come to an end at some point...right? That's because it's time to make way for my own special birthday celebrations! :)
Saturday morning...bright and early... we went to the Raleigh Christmas Parade with Evan's sister, her husband, and Ethan's two cousins. Yes, it was cold. But, we made the best of it. We got there early enough to get a close parking spot, and a good spot on the sidewalk. The boys were able to sit up close and personal on the curb. We brought plenty of blankets, hot chocolate, and Bojangles biscuits. What more could you need? The parade was great, the kids had a blast- and naps afterward were amazing. (myself included :) )
It was a busy, but fun week! Happy birthday to the man I love more everyday. You are such a blessing in my life!!!