This past Thursday marked the 30 week mark in my pregnancy. So, as of today, I am 30 weeks and 4 days. The last 8 weeks or so have flown by. It's hard to believe we are getting so close.
So, how am I feeling? Actually, not too bad. Aside from some hip and low back pain, and bad reflux, I really can't complain. I never really felt energized at all through out this pregnancy, and that hasn't changed. I could drop to the couch and nap like a pro at any time of the day. But, we all know with a 3 year old, that only happens at nap time...if he decides to nap. The nausea does still come and go, but I think this is mostly related to my bad reflux disorder. I have to be very careful about what I eat, and how much.
Sadly, my days at the gym had to come to an end. As much as I love a good work out, it was becoming too uncomfortable for me. Since this baby is so low, the weight on my groin and low back area is just too much. I gave it my all until about the 7 month mark when I had to stop. Overall, I am proud of myself for keeping a large amount of weight off, and keeping fit/healthy as best I can. I have gained far less weight than I did with Ethan, and hope to continue that trend until the end. I have to brag on myself for a minute...I didn't gain ONE single pound over the holidays. Not sure how that happened, but it happened!
I don't crave much these days except fresh fruit, soda, and sweet tea. Sometimes, I will crave ice cream or a Wendy's frosty from time to time, but haven't given into those cravings as much as I would have liked.
We have worked hard on baby's room over the holiday break. It is coming along great, and I am loving it. Once it is finished, I will be sure to share it with you.
We scheduled our C section for early morning on March 10th. As the date approaches I have mixed feelings. I feel like I have become more emotional knowing that we are getting so close. I am trying to savor my one on one time with Ethan, really trying to not take time with him for granted. On the other hand, he is SO excited about meeting his brother. The other day, he asked if baby could join us for dinner. :) I am also nervous about the upcoming change, and how I will deal with it. History proves I don't generally deal with change well.
Evan has been the biggest help to me around the house. As soon as he gets home from work he takes over. Entertains Ethan, gets him ready for bed, and helps me with dinner. On the weekends he will take Ethan places to give me a break. and lets me sleep in as much as he can. He is the best.
I hope I can continue to feel good over the next several weeks. I certainly am looking forward to seeing this little guys face!
Evan's a keeper for sure! :) Glad to hear you're feeling pretty good, and I look forward to seeing the baby's room!