Okay. So I'm warning you. If your not a mom, you may not appreciate or enjoy this post as much as others.
When your a mom, you just know. You hit a brick wall. It's time for a break. It's time for two seconds of uninterrupted peace. And by peace I mean no whining, no crying, no snot wiping, butt wiping, & food face wiping. No entertaining, no cooking 3 million meals just to be told by your two year old "no I want something else." I could go on and on...
The fact of the matter is, I'd had it. This week did me in. Between the stomach bug that Evan & Ethan got, and the pesky cold that they both had, mommy was tired of taking care of everyone. As my mother once told me "being a mother is like a cookie jar. Everyone takes, but nobody puts anything back in. " BINGO! My week in a nutshell. Fact of the matter is, it had been a long week of taking care of my family and I was left feeling drained and well let's just be honest...a bit on the moody side.
So, today after a morning family trip Costco, Ethan decided to throw (of all days) one of the biggest most embarrassing fits he's ever thrown in public. He wanted goldfish. I mean come on people, that's a serious life altering toddler problem! After some words exchanged between me and Evan (nope they weren't nice words) I.Was.Done. DONE! I quickly paid for my items, and left that place as quickly as I could. We loaded up Ethan, and drove (in silence) home.
Mommy was done. Mommy needed a break.
So, this afternoon I napped. When I woke up I was feeling very tired (I mean, seriously I think I only slept 3 whole nights this week) and still grumpy. However, my dear friend Sam and I had dinner plans. Just.What.I.Needed. A mother and friend who gets it. Someone to laugh, vent, and and share stories with.
So, I finish my week with a dear friend, in my favorite dinner spot.
Re-group, and re-charge.