I will not apologize for my excessive photo taking! :)
We left Thursday afternoon for the beach, and stayed until Sunday morning. My parents, my sister and her fiancé joined us. Ethan was SO excited about this beach trip. He went to preschool bragging to his teachers that he was "going to the beach!" That was the first thing his teachers told me at pick up that afternoon. The entire ride there he would say "daddy do you know where you are going?" "What town are we in?" "Are we still going to the beach?" He couldn't stand it.
Friday was sunny, and fairly warm, but with a strong wind. That didn't stop us. Ethan and Evan were out on the beach at 9am digging and playing in the sand. He played outside for 4 1/2 hours straight-even eating his lunch outside with Nana and Papa on the deck.
Later that evening after corralling Ethan back inside, he enjoyed doing an Easter craft with my sister. Mom's always come prepared. :)
Look what I made mommy!!!
On Saturday, it was pretty rainy until around 3pm. So, onto plan B. We ventured to the aquarium and had a blast. Ethan went when he was much younger, but didn't remember going. Our timing was perfect- upon arriving, they were doing a diving presentation with the sharks. I honestly thought Ethan would be a little timid of the enormous tank filled with giant sharks, but much to my surprise, he couldn't get enough of it. During the presentation, he would continue to inch closer and closer to the tank.
I managed to get the cutest picture of all time...
Seriously, how precious is that??
Hi little sharky sharky....
I love that this aquarium is tailored to children. This was a hands on station where you could touch the sting rays. Again, he was loving it.
I think a trip to sea world might be in our future! :)
Thank goodness the sun decided to come out later that afternoon. The community where my parents live host an egg hunt for the children every year. Luckily, I think the rain that morning scared most of the kids away. There were 200 eggs for 5 children! Ethan was in egg heaven. And to be honest, I was thrilled that he had his own space where other children weren't knocking him over. It was perfect.
Lastly, that evening we set some time aside to color Easter eggs. I was excited because it was Ethan's first year to participate in egg coloring. I was probably a little too excited, and went over board with the whole idea. Luckily Michael's was having a 60% off sale on all their Easter egg coloring kits...so naturally we had to try all of them.
I got paint markers, dye, paint and paint brushes, and stickers. I think I must have forgotten Ethan was 3. His attention span lasted about 7 minutes. It took me longer to boil the eggs than it did for him to decorate them. Not to mention it was extremely messy. Moral of the story- don't have high expectations for next year. :)
Our trip to the beach couldn't have gone better. Ethan was super awesome- and everyone had a great time. We are already looking forward to our trip back in June.
Stay tuned for Easter part 2...which will be all about Easter morning and our Easter dinner.
Happy Thursday!
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