Friday, April 10, 2015

Easter Part 2

Ethan woke up Easter morning at 6:45am. AFTER going to bed at 10pm the night before. Needless to say, I woke up exhausted...and well maybe a tad grumpy. But, it was Easter, and Ethan was very excited to see where the Easter bunny hid all the eggs. He crawled up into our bed and said "do you think the bunny hid all the eggs in the kitchen?" Considering the time, I'm pretty sure I rolled back over and said nothing. :) Thank goodness for Evan, my wonderful morning person husband. Otherwise, we'd be in big trouble.

We managed to keep Ethan in the bedroom with the door closed until 7:30 (since we were staying in the beach house with other people).  Lucky for them, they got to sleep in.

The minute he hit the top of the stairs he started spotting the eggs- and boy was he excited.

Look Nana, I found a yellow one!

The Easter bunny left him 2 baskets. One with yummy treats, and one that had play food and pretend money. He is really into playing "grocery store man" and making you pay for items purchased. I am glad that even at such a young age, he has an appreciation for the almighty dollar. :)

Ethan and daddy are pretending to grocery shop.

And of course Nana and Papa had to spoil him too!
After doing our morning egg hunt, we quickly showered, packed up, and headed home for dinner with Evan's family.
Evan's mom prepared a delicious Easter dinner including everyone's favorite side dishes. We had a honey baked ham (my absolute favorite!) deviled eggs, cheesy potato casserole, pineapple casserole, grilled asparagus, and rolls. And of course we can't forget about dessert. I made a coconut crème cake which I have made several years in a row now. It was a hit.

BUT FIRST, before all the chowing down, there were 2 egg hunts that needed to take place. One for the children, and one for the adults. Everyone looks forward to the adult hunt since the prizes get more and more fun with each passing year. Money, liquor airplane bottles, gift cards....yup that's right.

Mimi and her boys right before the kids egg hunt.

Look! I got money!

The adults with all their prizes. Yes, even ole Ray Ray got in on the action- and did pretty good, too!
It was a wonderful weekend from start to finish.
But, one last thing.
I can't do a blog post about Easter without mentioning something about the real reason we do all this egg and eating hoop-lah. Eggs and eating isn't at all why we celebrate Easter.
We are so thankful for the resurrection of Christ. We remember and we are THANKFUL that HE is the reason we are here today. We are thankful he died for our sins, and rose again to be with us in everlasting life.
In the spirit of Easter, I am often reminded this time of year by God's beauty and the gift of life that surrounds us.  Have you taken a moment to look around? Have you noticed the beautiful flowers that are blooming, and the trees that were once brown and limp, and are now bright and full of life? I do. I notice that everywhere I look I am surrounded by the beauty of God's work. I am reminded that he can take anything and make it beautiful. I am reminded that in God's timing, there is new life.


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