Thursday, March 24, 2016

Nathan- weeks 1 & 2

I can't believe that Nathan has been in the world for two whole weeks now. It has flown by...which actually makes me a little sad since I know I will never get these moments back.

We are so fortunate that Nathan has a very laid back, sweet, easy going personality. He very rarely has bad fussy times, or even bad days. (I hope I'm not jinxing myself ) He eats every 3- 4 hours, and sleeps like a champ at night. We feed him twice a night, and he goes right back to sleep. I really can't complain about my average 5 hours of sleep per night...if I'm lucky, maybe 6. He loves to be snuggled, especially laying on daddy's chest. He loves to be warm, and swaddled, and he loves it when mommy sings to him. When he is fussy, I sing "Jesus Loves Me" and it calms him right down. He also really loves his paci. He does NOT like being cold, naked, or being changed. Other than that, he is a happy camper. He still sleeps quite a bit during the day, but I have noticed his wakeful times are increasing. I love to see his big baby blue eyes.

Nathan was born at 7lb 14oz. At his first doctor visit, he was down to 7lb 5oz. At his second week visit, he was back up to 7lb 12oz. He seems to be growing and gaining right on track.

 As for me, I am still recovering from surgery. My body still hurts like crazy at the end of the day. I am trying to figure out how to manage two kids, and I am still learning. However, I know that I am my own worst enemy sometimes. I stress over things that need to get done, and my type A personality can get a bit out of control sometimes. Letting things go is just hard for me. So, I do my best to manage the housework, and everything that comes into play with a newborn and four year old. Most days haven't been bad, but evenings can be hectic and sometimes down right insane. I have certainly had many moments of tears- but what mom doesn't? I honestly do great in the morning and until about 5 in the afternoon. Late afternoon and evening my tiredness takes over and I start to slowly loose my mind. :) Right now, that is not the best time of day for me.

To sum it all up, I feel like the last two weeks have been mostly good, with a lot of learning and adapting. Ethan is also adapting to his new role of being a big brother, and I know it is hard for him sometimes too.

Next week is my first week completely alone with both kids. Ethan also is on spring break from preschool next week...pray for me. :)

Enjoy these photos of our first two weeks home!

First moments home

First bottle at home

First doctor visit

Sweet baby blues!

Big brother snuggles

Today at two weeks old

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