Last weekend, on Mother's Day, we decided to transition Ethan to a "big boy bed." What this really means is, we took down the full front rail of his crib, and put his half rail on so he could freely get in and out. Imagine if you will all the fun thoughts and concerns that were running through my head at this time. You know what they say...if it aint broke don't fix it. We had a good thing going. He never tried to climb out of his crib, not once. Unlike some kids, Ethan loves bed time and nap time. He will often tell me he wants to take a nap. Sometimes he will beg me to take a nap. Okay, so maybe I've done something right in this whole parenting thing. :) We really felt like he was ready.
When Evan was putting together his new bed, Ethan was so excited. He kept squealing and laughing, saying "my big boy bed!" All throughout the evening before bed he would say "mommy I'm gonna go in my big boy bed", and run in his room jumping in and out of his bed. He was so happy. And I was dreading what the evening would hold. What a hellova night it would be if I was repeatedly putting him back to bed.
We are practicing getting used to the bed.
Again, more practice! I love how he sleeps. Always on his tummy, covered up, with his " T-bear", and sucks his fingers. So sweet. That is a sight I will never get tired of.
Much to my surprise, the first night went awesome. Never got out of his crib once, and was asleep in 10 minutes. I was right outside the door, of course. Just waiting for him to come out. But he never did! He stayed in bed the entire night and when he awoke the next morning, waited for me to come get him. With each passing day he becomes a bit more brave. Now in the mornings he comes out of his room and either goes to the play room, our comes into our room. Which is totally fine with me since he isn't waking up in the middle of the night and roaming the halls. Naps have been a bit shorter this week. I knew it would take time for the newness of the bed to wear off. Gradually each day naps have gotten a bit longer. And as I am writing this, he has been asleep for a little over 2 hours which is back to normal. Thank You Lord!
Thank You Ethan for making this transition a piece of cake! I'm so proud of my big boy!
Strawberry Picking...
In celebration of "MiMi's" birthday(Evan's mom), we went strawberry picking on Tuesday. AKA, the hottest day of the year. Hot or not, Ethan had a blast. We went with Jocelin (Ethan's aunt/Evan's sister) and his two cousins Lucas and Shane.
Bringing his own little bucket was a great idea. Bad idea- wearing sandals.
He totally got the concept of picking only the red ones. We told him "red like a fire truck" and it all clicked. :) He was a great picker.
After picking strawberries, all three boys fed the baby goats and chickens.
It was a fun filled morning with family. Ethan adores his cousins, and they love each other so much. We are blessed. Happy birthday Lynn!
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