Snow days before kids was fun. Watch endless junk on TV, lay around in your jammies all day. Maybe get out of bed.
One snow day with a toddler is fun. Really, it is fun. It's not so bad. I love watching the excitement in Ethan's eyes over the snow. I loved watching him play in it- oh wait. I loved watching Evan and Ethan play in it from my dining room window. :) I love that my husband takes on the responsibility of the outdoor play time. Yesterday, they played outside for 2 glorious hours. Then he napped for 3. THANK YOU Evan!
So, getting back to my point about snow days. MANY snow days is not so fun. The kids get tired of the snow. We all get tired of being cooped up in this house. The "I'm bored" and "what are we going to do now" questions start ramping up. The whining and the crying starts. You've used every trick in your bag. We all need fresh air and a change of scenery. For crying out loud, we need to go back to preschool!!! It's been 2 full weeks now that we have missed. Did I mention that preschool tuition is non-refundable money?
Since we haven't been able to make it to the gym much due to weather, I've been trying my best to get creative at home. Yesterday I went for an hour long power walk around the neighborhood in the snow. It was actually very beautiful and it felt nice to breathe in that cold crisp air. On Wednesday afternoon (since we didn't know exactly what time the bad weather was going to start) Ethan and I went for a 4 mile walk.
Knock on wood, it's looking like next week "should" be a back to normal kind of week. As of right now, no crazy weather forecasts.
On a different note- I am so thankful that this crazy weather didn't effect Ethan's birthday party last Saturday. He would have been so upset (and I would have been too!). The party could not have gone better, and we all had such a great time. I plan on blogging about his party in the next couple of days.
Here are some pretty adorable pictures from yesterdays snow-
And one more for good measure...
...and I hope that's the last we see of it!!!